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Online shopping has taken itself as a common medium for convenient shopping. It has turned itself into a necessity, being a popular medium of shopping for the internet community. It was a mere trend that provided ultimate convenience to its customers. However, today there are millions of online shopping websites being created and deployed every passing day in order to cater the demands of online customers.  In Pakistan, there are hundreds of reliable, trustworthy and hassle-free online websites that offer exceptional services to its customers. Big firms and well-known organizations have started their own online venture, trying to gain more benefits from the progressive approach from the e-commerce sector. Studies show that the increase of online consumers at an exponential rate is due to the reliable services that have increased good reviews regarding them. Hence, more people refer online shopping with the passage of time, increasing the consumer numbers. ...


5 Secrets How Supermarkets Can Preserve Food for Many Days  

People throughout the world have been making great effort to preserve foods for quite a long time without affecting their flavor. Preservation of food might appear to be a practice of ancient times. However, it is still a very common practice. People at supermarkets and homes use different ways to preserve food for many days. In the past, food preservation was mostly done by drying the food items or fermenting them to enhance their flavor. 
How Supermarkets Can Preserve Food for Many Days
Apart from keeping the foods for longer, food preservation also helps to decrease food wastage and saves money. Moreover, it allows you to enjoy your local as well as seasonal products throughout the year. Several methods are used these days to preserve routinely used food items, for example, curd, cheese, fruits, salami, pickles, beans, vegetables, etc.
Supermarkets keep the foods in the cold rooms to preserve and store a lot of food items for many days. You can contact cold room suppliers uk to get a cold room for your supermarket as it is a basic need of any grocery store. Now follow the below-given five ways that supermarkets use to preserve foods for longer. 


Freezing is a very commonly used strategy for the preservation of foods. It involves the lowering of the temperature of foods to hinder microbial development. After slaughtering, the meat is generally frozen at 0-degree Fahrenheit or −18 degrees Celsius as soon as possible. To freeze the fruits, they are kept inside a sugar syrup or dry sugar pack to remove any air and avoid oxidation as well as dehydration. At commercial levels, freezing is usually done either by blast freezing or contact freezing. 


One of the most widely used methods to preserve the food products is canning. It keeps the foods preserved for quite a long time. It involves heating the food products at a particular temperature for a specific period. After this, food products are vacuum fixed in high-quality glass containers. This process requires high-quality glass jars and is incomplete without them. Many foods such as vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish are usually canned for keeping them for longer. 


Another method used to preserve food products is curing. It seems to be a somewhat complicated process and it also needs particular skills and knowledge. It is employed particularly for meat products and fish. During the process of curing, solute concentration in the foods rises and consequently reduces its water potential. As a result, the food is not attacked by harmful microorganisms. Curing involves various methods such as drying out, smoking, cooking, and spicing. Moreover, it also includes the addition of different sugars, nitrite, and nitrate. 

Cold Storage

Using cold storage units is a very basic method of food preservation. It is suitable for a lot of fruits, vegetables, and other food products. Supermarkets have set up several cold storage units. They employ this method quite commonly to preserve their foods and keep them fresh for many days. 


This process permits the meat products to regain numerous essential properties when hydrated. Freeze-drying is very beneficial for different other food products too. Moreover, the foods preserved by freeze-drying hydrates rapidly and are more flavorful and nutritious.


  1. What is example of freeze drying?

    1. fruits, vegetables, meat and best example in liquid is coffee. You can read the details here.

  2. I wonder how the freezing affects the taste, if at all? It's interesting really because I never put much thought into how supermarkets are preserving the food, but it's something we should know!

  3. These are the ways which all the supermarkets apply but I do have a same query as ronnie how the freezing affects the taste. BEcause at home even if u put some food in fridge and then try it would taste different.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Preserving food is really art, and there is a lot of different flavors and recipes you can discover while preserving your food for longer!

  6. When I shop at the supermarket, I buy quite a bit of frozen vegetables. I prefer fresh vegetables if I can get them; but, with not being in our house (yet) we rely on frozen and have never had a bad experience with them.

  7. Nice information. I really wondered how foods stay fresh in supermarkets and we find it difficult to preserve at home. Curing and freeze drying are two new learnings for me.

  8. Canning and freezing prove to be more effective for most goods. It also inhibits bacterial growth. I think we need to innovate on these kinds of things.

  9. Thanks for some information that I am not aware of ~ While I don't actually purchase or eat preserved food, I always prefer fresh and juicy food :) - Knycx Journeying

  10. While we prefer fresh food at my house, we are all grateful that we have all of these preserved food options as well. It is just not possible to always eat fresh!

  11. I didn't know about curing from this list. This was very informative.


  13. Nice work good content .excellent work

  14. I didn't know such a ling process is involved. Very useful information 👍

  15. I agree with this. We are also using salt. We salt the meat before we refrigerate it. :) thanks for sharing!

  16. I use to can so many foods. I miss it so much. I love freezing too. I used just a little bit of sugar in some of my fruit.


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