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7 online stores to buy groceries in discounted rates

Online shopping has taken itself as a common medium for convenient shopping. It has turned itself into a necessity, being a popular medium of shopping for the internet community. It was a mere trend that provided ultimate convenience to its customers. However, today there are millions of online shopping websites being created and deployed every passing day in order to cater the demands of online customers.  In Pakistan, there are hundreds of reliable, trustworthy and hassle-free online websites that offer exceptional services to its customers. Big firms and well-known organizations have started their own online venture, trying to gain more benefits from the progressive approach from the e-commerce sector. Studies show that the increase of online consumers at an exponential rate is due to the reliable services that have increased good reviews regarding them. Hence, more people refer online shopping with the passage of time, increasing the consumer numbers. ...

Coronavirus cases are rising in Pakistan during Ramadan

Pakistan has reported sharp increase in number of  coronavirus  patients with 700 new cases and 12 deaths on the second day of Ramadan.  As the country was already grappling to combat coronavirus spread, opening of mosques to offer congregational prayers and ease in lockdown during Ramadan have further deteriorate the situation, according to doctors.   The Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) has also called for a strict enforcement of the lockdown to prevent congregations of all kinds to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Addressing a press conference on Monday, representatives of the PMA including President Dr Abdul Wahid Abbasi, Dr Muhammad Usaman Mako, Dr Zulifqar Soomro. Dr Iftikhar Shah, called upon the government to involve (in its task force) health experts from public sector medical universities/hospitals and organisations of doctors actively fighting the deadly virus. “We kept quiet and were avoiding to give our opinion as government was taking steps...

Benefits of Ginger-Garlic Tea: Why You Should Have a Cup of Ginger-Garlic Tea Every Day?

We are in the midst of country-wide lock down , and it is perhaps the first time in many years the whole world had prioritized health over anything else. As you would know the noval coronavirus has afflicted millions of people around the globe, and precarious situation has led many countries to announce a lock down. More and more people are paying increased amount of attention to what they are eating and practicing best hygiene. Immunity is defined as the balanced state where the body is able to fight a disease causing agents.   Our pantry is often stocked with healing herbs and spices that could do wonders for our immunity. Take ginger and garlic for instance,; they are so much more than mere flavoring agents for your curries and stew. Ginger's medicinal properties are very popular in homeopathy; it is considered as a traditional remedy for indigestion, nausea and bloating. Garlic, on the other hand, is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. They are bot...

Healthy Diet Tips during Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

The coronavirus disease outbreak is upending life for families around the world. As schools and childcare centers close, many parents are funding themselves stuck at home for most of the day juggling childcare, full time work and other competing responsibilities. Figuring out " What's for dinner?" can be yet another daily challenge. To make things even harder, panic buying and disruptions to food supply systems mean some foods can now be difficult to find. And for many people, unemployment and lost income are making food shopping an additional financial challenge. While many parents are understandably looking to ready meals and processed foods as a quick and low-cost way to feed the family, there are convenient, affordable and healthy alternatives. Here are five ways to help feed your children a varied, nutritious diet that will support their growth and development, all while building healthy habits. Five Healthy Eating Tips  1. Keep up fruit and vegetable intake  Purcha...

The Quarantine Era: is the Era of Baking.

© Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Kate Buckens The coronavirus outbreak has rattled our daily lives, and things seem to change minute by minute. But there's one constant: we have to eat. How do we cook among the chaos? What recipes do we lean on? How can we use cooking to stay calm? That's what we're exploring in this series, The Way We're Cooking Now. More than one hundred. That’s the number of cookies, cakes, brownies, and breads I saved on Instagram in the last twelve days—and never actually made. Ambitious? Yes, but also a little odd, because baking is my favorite thing to do in the kitchen. I love folding flour and whipping cream and creaming butter. I love knowing that after mixing together simple pantry ingredients like flour, oil, and cocoa powder, I’ll have something sweet to nibble on for the days ahead. But that doesn’t mean that I bake as often as I’d like. It’s a task that deserves and requires mostly undivided attention—something I’m not always able...

What to know about Dalgona coffee, the viral drink everyone's making during coronavirus

As many people are staying home and practicing social distancing to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus, it's become less common to go out for a beautifully poured latte from a local coffee shop.  But another coffee drink is popping up across Instagram stories and Twitter feeds with the hashtag #daglonacoffeechallenge.  The two-layered drink called dalgona coffee has taken the internet by storm.  Julia Peters owns Peixoto Coffee Roasters, a coffee shop in Chandler that specializes in high-quality beans and espresso drinks. She first heard of the dalgona coffee trend from a local food blogger, followed by customers asking about the whipped coffee drink. "I think it's very visually pleasing," Peters says. "It's very beautiful with the luscious coffee-infused syrup."  What is dalgona coffee? Dalgona coffee has four main ingredients: instant coffee , sugar, hot water and milk. These ingredients are made into two layers: milk and a...

Does Social Distancing helps to Combat Coronavirus?

Social Distancing  Social distancing is a public health measure known to help stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. This is especially important with COVID-19 because even those who do not show signs of illness may be sick and can spread the virus.                                              Ways to Social Distance Include:  Closing schools and moving to distance learning Working from home Postponing or cancelling social events and travel Maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 meters between other people.  If we stay at home and limit contact with others, we will slow the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 and Asthma

This information is based on what we know about the spread and severity of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Risk of Getting COVID-19 Asthmatic people may be more vulnerable to COVID-19 illness. COVID-19 may have a negative impact on your respiratory system (nose, throat, lungs), an asthma attack and possibly acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia.  Treatment  No specific treatment or vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is currently available.  Avoiding exposure to this virus is the best way to prevent disease.  Prepare for COVID-19  Supplies stock up Take daily precautions to keep yourself and others spaces Keep away from those who are sick when you go out in public Often clean your hands with soap or water or with a hand sanitizer based on alcohol Avoid crowds and sick individuals Avoid cruise travel or air travel which is not necessary Stay home as much as possible during a COVID-19 outbreak in your community to further reduce the chance of ...

COVID-19 Cases in Pakistan

Case updates  Pakistan: 1,016 Islamabad: 16 Punjab: 312 Sindh: 413 Balochistan: 115 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: 78 Azad Jammu and Kashmir: 1 Gilgit-Baltistan: 81  Deaths from the virus Up to now, eight people died from the virus. In KP's Mardan and Peshawar, two deaths were reported, and in Karachi one. A doctor in Gilgit-Baltistan and a 65 year old man in Quetta died on Sunday, according to provincial health departments.  On March 24, a 57 year old patient died in Mayo Hospital in Lahore.  Do I have a cold or coronavirus?  It is a question any of us may have felt uncomfortable with increasing COVID-19 cases in recent days and weeks. While the chances of COVID-19 are significantly lower than the chance of having common cold or flu, it is important to know what to look for–and where to get help.  What are  symptoms of coronavirus?  Fever, tiredness and dry cough are the most common symptoms of COVID-19.  Som...

Economic Effects of COVID-19 Around the World

As the world grapples with the coronavirus, the economic impact is mounting - with the OECD warning the virus presents the biggest danger to the global economy since the 2008 financial crisis. UNCTAD, the UN trade agency, warned of a slowdown of global growth to under 2% this year, effectively wiping $1 trillion off the value of the world economy. A poll of economists by the London School of Economics found 51% believed the world faces a major recession, even if COVID-19 kills no more people than seasonal flu. Only 5% said they did not think it would. There are now some 170,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, the new coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China, in December and is spreading around the world. Businesses are dealing with lost revenue and disrupted supply chains due to China’s factory shutdowns. Weeks after China imposed travel restrictions on million of its people, Italy placed quarantine measures on its entire population, with France and Spain im...