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7 online stores to buy groceries in discounted rates

Online shopping has taken itself as a common medium for convenient shopping. It has turned itself into a necessity, being a popular medium of shopping for the internet community. It was a mere trend that provided ultimate convenience to its customers. However, today there are millions of online shopping websites being created and deployed every passing day in order to cater the demands of online customers.  In Pakistan, there are hundreds of reliable, trustworthy and hassle-free online websites that offer exceptional services to its customers. Big firms and well-known organizations have started their own online venture, trying to gain more benefits from the progressive approach from the e-commerce sector. Studies show that the increase of online consumers at an exponential rate is due to the reliable services that have increased good reviews regarding them. Hence, more people refer online shopping with the passage of time, increasing the consumer numbers. ...

COVID-19 and Asthma

This information is based on what we know about the spread and severity of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Risk of Getting COVID-19

Asthmatic people may be more vulnerable to COVID-19 illness. COVID-19 may have a negative impact on your respiratory system (nose, throat, lungs), an asthma attack and possibly acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia. 


No specific treatment or vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is currently available.  Avoiding exposure to this virus is the best way to prevent disease. 

Prepare for COVID-19 

  • Supplies stock up
  • Take daily precautions to keep yourself and others spaces
  • Keep away from those who are sick when you go out in public
  • Often clean your hands with soap or water or with a hand sanitizer based on alcohol
  • Avoid crowds and sick individuals
  • Avoid cruise travel or air travel which is not necessary
  • Stay home as much as possible during a COVID-19 outbreak in your community to further reduce the chance of exposure
  • If someone is sick at home, let them stay away from the rest of the household to reduce the risk of infection by the virus
  • Do not share personal household items like towels and cups

Follow the Action Plan for Asthma

  • Take your medication as prescribed for asthma exactly. Talk to your pharmacist, insurer and medical provider about the emergency provision of prescribed medications, such as inhalers of asthma. Make sure you have 30 days of non-prescription medicines and supplies available if you have to stay home longer
  • Know how to use inhaler
  • Avoid your asthma triggers
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, lights, compartments, handles, desks, telephones, toilets, toilets and sinks to protect you from COVID-19 every day. Avoid asthma attack by disinfectants
  • As further COVID-19 cases are discovered and our communities are taking action to fight disease spread, some people are obviously worried or stressed. Asthma attack can be triggered by strong emotions. Take steps to deal with anxiety and stress.

If you've Symptoms 

Contact your health care provider to ask about your symptoms


  1. It was really knowledgeable! Loved it!

  2. good info - i'll definitely pass it along to my friends with kids that suffer from asthma

  3. Good information on COVID 19, and Asthma.

  4. I don't have asthma but my lungs are not in perfect condition. It's why I have stayed home for months now.

  5. Such great information. I'm lucky I don't have asthma. I've been social distancing and at home to help flatten the curve here in NY.

  6. Such great information! I'm so happy I don't have asthma... But I do stay inside so I don't spread it (if I were to get infected!)

  7. Great info. I used to have asthma when I was a kid. Luckily, I outgrew it.

  8. Thanks for this blog. My mother was being treated for asthma in December and there have been a covid case in a nearby society. Will take an extra step for preventions now.

  9. Good information, I will surely pass this to others.

  10. Great post i would say. But the thing about stocking up groceries is something I won't agree to. Their has been hoarding of goods from the market and old / incapable people find it difficult to get hold of groceries when they need it. Indeed it's a difficult time, but we most think about others as well.
    You have really put up a good blog with the given information.

  11. Here in Belgium people have been stocking up too but that's not good because then other people won't be able to get what they need :)

  12. I know it's got to be difficult out there for people with pre-existing conditions. I have heard diabetes is also one to tend to produce poor results as well. My dad has it as does my uncle. Gotta be careful out there.

  13. People with underlying conditions should stay inside their homes and listen to the advice of the authorities.

  14. Great information. Asthma and other respiratory problems puts people at increased risk. They should be careful.

  15. Thanks for this information. Asthma and pneumonia are getting a high risk to have a covid-19. We all need to stay safe and eat healthy foods.

  16. This is very timely. It is true that people with asthma and with pre-existing conditions are more prone to get affected by the virus. Thanks for sharing!


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