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7 online stores to buy groceries in discounted rates

Online shopping has taken itself as a common medium for convenient shopping. It has turned itself into a necessity, being a popular medium of shopping for the internet community. It was a mere trend that provided ultimate convenience to its customers. However, today there are millions of online shopping websites being created and deployed every passing day in order to cater the demands of online customers.  In Pakistan, there are hundreds of reliable, trustworthy and hassle-free online websites that offer exceptional services to its customers. Big firms and well-known organizations have started their own online venture, trying to gain more benefits from the progressive approach from the e-commerce sector. Studies show that the increase of online consumers at an exponential rate is due to the reliable services that have increased good reviews regarding them. Hence, more people refer online shopping with the passage of time, increasing the consumer numbers. ...

COVID-19 Cases in Pakistan

Case updates 

  • Pakistan: 1,016
  • Islamabad: 16
  • Punjab: 312
  • Sindh: 413
  • Balochistan: 115
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: 78
  • Azad Jammu and Kashmir: 1
  • Gilgit-Baltistan: 81 

Deaths from the virus

Up to now, eight people died from the virus. In KP's Mardan and Peshawar, two deaths were reported, and in Karachi one. A doctor in Gilgit-Baltistan and a 65 year old man in Quetta died on Sunday, according to provincial health departments. 
On March 24, a 57 year old patient died in Mayo Hospital in Lahore. 

Do I have a cold or coronavirus? 

It is a question any of us may have felt uncomfortable with increasing COVID-19 cases in recent days and weeks. While the chances of COVID-19 are significantly lower than the chance of having common cold or flu, it is important to know what to look for–and where to get help. 

What are  symptoms of coronavirus? 

Fever, tiredness and dry cough are the most common symptoms of COVID-19. 
Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild illness to pneumonia.
Some people also have a sore throat, a running nose, shortness of breath, congestion of the nose, pain and aches or diarrhea. Our body temperature normally ranges from 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. Any temperature above 38 is classified as fever and this should be kept in mind. 
Symptoms usually are mild and start progressively. They usually appear three to four days after the virus exposure, although sometimes up to fourteen days later.
Some people are, however, infected, but have no symptoms and feel uncomfortable. Some 80% of people who are getting COVID-19 are recovering without special care. But one in six people will be severely ill and have breathing problems.
Older people and persons with underlying health problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes tend to develop severe disease. 

How is COVID-19 different to the flu?

While COVID-19 and influenza both can cause respiratory symptoms, there are some key differences. According to the Government's health direct website, influenza often includes pains and headaches, while these symptoms are uncommon in COVID-19. Another difference between the two diseases is the kind of person affected. So far, severe COVID-19 has mainly affected older age groups and people with chronic illness. To date, healthy people, children and pregnant women ― who can become very sick from flu ― have not been significantly affected by COVID-19. 

I think I've COVID-19 symptoms. What should I do?

If you're sick and think you've symptoms of COVID-19, authorities recommend you seek medical attention. Before visiting your local hospitals, you need to call ahead to government helplines to informed and to make an appointment. It's also important to call ahead to explain your symptoms, travel history and any recent close contact with someone who has COVID-19, so they can prepare for your appointment.
There are government helplines you can call for help.
Sindh helplines: 021-99203443, 021-99204405.
Federal helpline: 1166
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa helpline: 1700
Balochistan: Two options given below
Call: 081-9241133-22
WhatsApp: 0334-9241133
Punjab: 0800 99 000

What if I've been overseas recently? 

If you've returned from another country and are experiencing any flu like symptoms such as a fever, cough, headaches, sore throat, fatigue, sweats, chills or shortness of breath, you should contact your doctor or local hospitals.
Again, you need to call ahead so the doctor is aware of your symptoms and travel history before you visit the clinic.
People entering from any overseas country must self quarantine for 14 days from their date of arriving. The same goes for people who have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19.

Will I need to get tested for COVID-19?

You'll only be tested if your doctor decides you meet the criteria:
  • You've returned from overseas in the past 14 days and you develop respiratory illness with or without fever
  • You've been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 14 days and you develop respiratory illness with or without fever.
  • You've severe community acquired pneumonia and there is no clear cause
  • You're a healthcare worker who works directly with patients and you've a respiratory illness and a fever
At this stage, if you do have any symptoms, you'll not be tested for COVID-19. 
If you're feeling unwell but don't meet the testing criteria, it's still important to stay home and avoid contact with because there is a global shortage of test kits that pathologists use to diagnose COVID-19, Pakistan is only doing targeted testing instead of widespread testing. 

What precautions should I take to protect myself from COVID-19?

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  2. Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you. The alcohol content should be 60% or higher.
  3. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes
  4. Follow social distancing, keep a distance of at least one meter from other people
  5. Avoid large public gatherings
  6. Stay at home if you feel sick
  7. Disinfect workplace surfaces, door knobs, counters
  8. Cook food thoroughly


  1. A great, informative article. Hopefully we'll get out this safely.

  2. The whole world is suffering from this fatal disease, but we all are in it and we all are fighting a common enemy now. I hope we have a cure soon for this and the scare ends sooner. Wishes for everyone, be safe, stay at home.

  3. I hope this craziness ends soon!!! I am happy the virus is still under control in Pakistan, that is awesome.

  4. Thanks for the info.. Prayers for all of us,hope this pandemic would end soon. ��

  5. Good information and update about COVID-19

  6. Best way to avoid it is really to stay at home and then boost the immune system. This is affecting all of us all over the world. PRaying for you guys.

  7. Chelsea Sauve - WandureThu Mar 26, 07:53:00 PM 2020

    Really informative piece- thanks for sharing! Always interesting to see how different parts of the globe are responding in this global fight! Stay safe.

  8. This virus or plague is very serious and everybody should do his/her job to stop this from spreading. Thank you for an informative and very detail post. We all strive to flatten the curve and reduced this infection.

  9. A great post about the latest information of coronavirus cases in your country. I hope that you are safe!

  10. We did not know much about Pakistan. You have benefited us a lot with this information and heard about COVID-19 in Pakistan. It's necessary to have a lockdown.

  11. Definitely, good reminders. We just need to be aware of the facts and do the right things with prevention.

  12. Information is very important. Stay informed. It is too bad some young people are not taking social distancing seriously

  13. Unfortunately USA is the number #1 country for the virus being spread. I really hope it dies down and we can get back to normal.

  14. It is really an informative article given the current situation. Hope everything turns out well after few days. Hoping for the best.

    1. You are missing "The Corona Bonanza"

      Bonanza 1

      There will a temporary shock to the government fiscal revenues as Imports will crash,CIF rates of imports will also crash,domestic production has stopped (as tax on MRP less deductions is paid at the time of production and not sale),domestic MRP rates will also crash.That is Y the state has not passed the benefits of lower crude and palm rates to the people

      The Bonus is in non-salary expenditures of the state,which are on ARC (Annual Rate Contracts) or other RC.With crash in commodities and surplus capacities - Pakistan can easily make and re-negotiate its procurements.Large nations like Hindoosthan,will face disaster,as they will face supply risks,per se.W.r.t the purchases by the Pakistani state,the state can declare Force Majeure,especially on International contracts.

      There is no immorality in this,as the suuply and value chain of the suupliers to the state - will,in any case,declare Force Majeure - which will ensure that the suupliers will default on the government contracts.The supliers will make supplies at ARCs,only to the extent of the existing stocks,as at March 15th,2020.They cannot be allowed to supply,from new purchases at the old ARC rates.

      Global suppliers will be glad to dump their stocks - with depots in Pakistan - for sale to the Pakistani State.

      This could easily reduce the costs by 30-50%,on a one time and recurring basis.Once this Cost is saved,in phases,the benefit of oil price crash on fuels and edible oils and also power tarriffs and fertilisers,can be passed on to the public.That will be pure jannat.

      Bonanza 2

      The Only Solution to the supply chain risk in USA/EU (w.r.t their supply chains in PTRC) lies in massive robotics and AI - which will make humans obsolete in manufactuirng and also,in part,in IT.The question is,what to do with the humans.That is Y the virus is sought - Simple !

      For Pakistan - the crash in Raw Materials and cost of capital, availability of capital and crash in logistics costs will make manufacturing and exports viable.That makes existing unviable manufacturing units viable and jobs and decline in NPAs.No fresh capacities should be launched,solely based on the current cost structure.Crash in costs plus the low labour costs in Pakistan and stable PKR - is the Alt-AI and Robotics

      The Pakistani people should thank its prior leaders,that they made manufacturing unviable in Pakistan,and made it a trading nation. Had the state set up manufacturing units - they would be unviable,banks would be busted and there would have been mass skilled unemployment. Just look at Hindoosthan.dindooohindoo

      This is the time for setting up manufacturing units - SME and others.

      The military,food,telecom,technology and health secuirty of the USA and EU is in the hands of the PRC.These nations will be FORCED to move at least 10-20% of their supply chain,to other nations.They have no choice.

      Bonanza 3

      The SBP and the treasury of the private sector,should suck in the Corona rate cuts and packages in EU/Nippon/North East Asia and the USA - and restructure the entire FX loan portfolio,w.r.t tenor,spreads,risk premiums,swaps and hedges. One simple way,is by trade finance,which is based on underlying trade and other activties with those nations.

  15. Corona Bonanza 4

    After doing 3 and 4 above,the state should invite bids to build and repair infrastructure on BOOT basis.The Cost of infra should reduce by at least 30%,supplemented with long term soft loans and grants.

    With viable manufacturing and exports,lower cost of debt - an already cheaper infra cost - will make infra financing and operations,all the more viable.dindooohindoo

    Bonanza 5

    To lock in the gains to the people and industry,the SBP and the State should lock in to NYMEX crude and futures,at current rates (on CBOT or with large funds etc.) - for as long as possible,with reasonable contangos or maximum backwardation.A large nation cannot do this - as it will move the premiums,in the derivatives market.

    The State should thereafter, lock in the oil and gas rates - and then affix power and fertilisr tarriffs, for the same tenor - with a priority for industrial zones - after meeting the consumer needs.Edible oil contracts can also be struck with large funds,in the USA/EU.

    This is also the time for the state to declare Force Majeuer on the ulra high cost RPP/IPPs.With reduced power demand,the entire power demand of Pakistan, can be met from fuel and coal plants,at less than half of the previous marginal cost. For several people, this power supply can be free of cost,as the Marginal cost of power on current fuel costs,should be around 1-2 Rupees (which is not worth collecting from marginal users).

    It is time to celebrate !

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Very informative Article


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