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7 online stores to buy groceries in discounted rates

Online shopping has taken itself as a common medium for convenient shopping. It has turned itself into a necessity, being a popular medium of shopping for the internet community. It was a mere trend that provided ultimate convenience to its customers. However, today there are millions of online shopping websites being created and deployed every passing day in order to cater the demands of online customers.  In Pakistan, there are hundreds of reliable, trustworthy and hassle-free online websites that offer exceptional services to its customers. Big firms and well-known organizations have started their own online venture, trying to gain more benefits from the progressive approach from the e-commerce sector. Studies show that the increase of online consumers at an exponential rate is due to the reliable services that have increased good reviews regarding them. Hence, more people refer online shopping with the passage of time, increasing the consumer numbers. ...

Impact of Nutrition Interventions on Food choices of Students in the Cafeterias

Nutrition Intervention

Nutrition intervention can be defined as purposefully made or planned actions to improve nutrition related behaviors among any group, population or community. 
Nutrition interventions can be made to reduce the risk of manipulation by incorporating nutrition goals and action within wide range of sectors.

Sectors of Nutrition Interventions

  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Public Health 
  • Social welfare
When we talk about interventions it is very much clear that there are two major components of this method:
  1. Planning of Intervention
  2. Implementation of Intervention

School and Education level Nutrition Education and Interventions

According to the studies children consume about 35-47% of their dietary intake from the cafeterias in Schools. We can improve the Nutrition related behavior among the children by creating awareness about the Nutrition and Educating them about the risks of health care situations that are prevailing in our country now-a-days just because of poor consumptions and poor food choices of people. 
When we talk about Nutrition or its related behavior, there are so many other factors that can affect this situation. Like, Food security or availability of specific kind of foods and after that affordability of food. These factors can affect the consumption and intake of the people.
In schools, if new policies related to better health of children can be introduced, it can create a huge difference. Nutrition education now-a-days is necessary at any level but we can make it more effective by the maternal health care or by the health care of children from the very start level. School level interventions can be very helpful in this manner. 
Every intervention made in school cafeterias or any method to improve health care or nutritional behavior should have a specific goal. So that when we implement those we can check the results and conclusions of the effectiveness of the intervention that has been made. 

Food Choices in Schools and Cafeterias

According to studies, it has been clear that a major portion of dietary intake of the students is from the cafeterias. The food choices that have been given there students will select from those. Children in schools should be taught about the Healthy and Non-healthy stuff. Nutrition Education among them should prevail. But more than that if there will be no implementation there will be not any progress. 
Access to the food and beverages in schools influences dietary behavior associated with the increasing early prevalence of chronic health conditions in youth including:
  • Obesity 
  • Overweight 
  • Diabetes 
  • Underweight 
  • Wasting 
  • Stunting
Adolescence is the time marked in which dietary habits are developed and lifestyle changes occurs. Nutrition interventions will affect the food choices among the students and it will reduce the risk of the prevailing diseases among youth. In school environment the food that has been served should be selected. In this way, the students consuming food from there will be able to meet the needs of their bodies and their performance in school environment can also be improved through these interventions. 

Policies and Interventions

  • In school Cafeteria, a policy should be introduced that instead of carbonated drinks, fresh fruit juices, shakes and coffee should be sold
  • If the students are liking and consuming the fried foods, interventions should be made in the same menu. Chicken and Potato stuffing of the samosas and rolls should be replaced with the healthy vegetables and the ghee for frying should be replaced with healthy oil. In this way the same thing will be healthy and will meet some of the nutrition needs of the children
  • Fresh fruit salads and Fresh vegetables stalls should be introduced in the policies of cafeterias they can help in producing much more healthy food intake for the students. They should sell the products with different recipes on affordable prices that can look appetizing
  • Changes in the food and beverages available in the schools implementations will effect the food choices and health of the students as their major dietary intake is from the schools
  • The lunch to pre-school students should be given in schools, which will complete all the elements of nutrition they need
  • Students should be able to walk to classes and use stairs instead pf elevators or escalators
  • Healthy and appetizing food should be served. Professional cooks should be hired for this purpose
  • Food technologists should check the standards of food that has been served to the students
  • Reduce high fat foods/snacks/deserts
  • Reduce high sugar foods
  • Food should be served according to the standard proportion sizes


Government and School administration can control and change the food served in schools so the students will only have healthy choices left to choose from. These interventions should be introduced in the way that the food choices of young children should change. We are in need to implement all kind of interventions in school environments as soon as possible. These interventions can highly effect the food choices of the students, also they should be given proper nutrition education and then implement that to cafeterias.


  1. I worked in a school cafeteria and the biggest problem I found was that impoverished areas were not taken into consideration when the rules about servings were made. The FDA did not realize that we were often feeding kids that only ate at school and it was heart breaking to have to turn them away.

  2. Very useful info. You should post more articles on nutrition.

    1. I'll try to post more articles on nutrition.

  3. Great info nutrition at young age even at toddler age is so important

  4. Is great to develop Healthy nutrition habits in early age

  5. Nice article! Nutrition is very important in schools, so thanks for covering this topic.

  6. Nutrition at an early age is so important especially now that so many addictives are added to foods to speed up production. We should definitely be taking up these issues with those elected to represent us locally.

  7. Fantastic! I hope are school does these also

  8. Great article on nutrition. I appreciate how detailed you were. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Appreciated your effort on serving healthy nutrition food to the children. Nice work

  10. You covered such an important topic with this blog, nutrition is so important for everyone, and students don't really understand it at that age. I very much like the conclusion part.

  11. It's great to hear about Healthy nutrition but other food restaurant wouldn't focus this issue because of business and money talks.

  12. Great article. This is something that made me think of my plans this 2020. Thanks for sharing. I learned a lot from you again.

    1. Welcome. I'm glad that you like my article.

  13. What an interesting read. I have to share this with my mom as she works in a school cafeteria.

  14. I'm always shocked to see the difference in quality of food served across different systems. I read an article recently that compared the meal in Japan versus America and the results were shocking. America is lacking big time in nutrition. We really need to start the kids young and ensure they're being taken care of!

  15. AMEN! The better habits and the more convenient we make healthy choices the easy it is for our kids!

  16. As claimed by Stanford Medical, It is in fact the SINGLE reason this country's women live 10 years longer and weigh on average 19 KG lighter than us.

    (And by the way, it is not about genetics or some secret diet and absolutely EVERYTHING about "how" they are eating.)

    P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

    Tap on this link to uncover if this easy test can help you find out your true weight loss possibilities

  17. Teaching proper nutrition at an early age is great as long as all factors are taken into consideration. I’ve found that many schools aren’t taking into consideration the actual economic state of the area the school is in. So some kids that may depend on the school for their meals either aren’t being served due to financial reasons or the kids are t receiving adequate portion sizes to actually sustain them through the day. Interesting article though!


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