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7 online stores to buy groceries in discounted rates

Online shopping has taken itself as a common medium for convenient shopping. It has turned itself into a necessity, being a popular medium of shopping for the internet community. It was a mere trend that provided ultimate convenience to its customers. However, today there are millions of online shopping websites being created and deployed every passing day in order to cater the demands of online customers.  In Pakistan, there are hundreds of reliable, trustworthy and hassle-free online websites that offer exceptional services to its customers. Big firms and well-known organizations have started their own online venture, trying to gain more benefits from the progressive approach from the e-commerce sector. Studies show that the increase of online consumers at an exponential rate is due to the reliable services that have increased good reviews regarding them. Hence, more people refer online shopping with the passage of time, increasing the consumer numbers. ...

How to Increase Website Traffic

Now-a-days many people often asked me some questions after visiting my website link: Why aren’t more people visiting their website? Why am I not showing up in search results? How did I get instant adsense approval with just 13 posts? How much traffic I've on daily basis? etc. These are some common questions.

suggestion of backlinks    website traffic  website traffic

I don't have much experience as I've started blogging just 2 months ago, the work necessary to increase website traffic falls in either one or both of the two categories: technical issues and content issues.

Regarding technical issues, the problems can be as simple as having too large of photography files to more serious code and website errors. With these types of issues, you have to first understand if any technical errors exist. This can be done through a full SEO and digital audit with a reputable firm or a web developer or digital consultant you can trust.When it comes to content, are you posting regularly? Is your content search engine friendly? Is your content shared? Even if you don’t want to allocate the time and money managing a blog can require, adding reviews and testimonials to your site is a great way to establish trust and establish brand alliances. Linking to other websites and partners might also encourage reciprocal backlinks in some cases — particularly if you’ve collaborated on a project.

Here are five ways to work towards increasing your website traffic:

1. Create Quality Content:

It’s one thing to create content and it’s another to create quality content that individuals will want to read, engage with, and share. They are visiting your website for a reason, make it worth their while and even better, make it so they want to return.

2. Share Your Content:

Sure, you can wait for search engines to index your content, but you can also give it a boost by sharing it on social networks like LinkedIn and include it in email marketing campaigns. Even if you don’t see a direct benefit, what do you have to lose in the few extra moments it takes to share it on additional networks?

3. Mobile-Friendly Test:

How is your website faring on mobile? You can run the Google Mobile Friendly Test. And, if you are wondering why this matters, please be sure to read all about Google’s Mobile-First Initiative (it’s now the default for all new domains). Not only does mobile account for more than half of website traffic worldwide, the majority of users start their Google searches on mobile devices.

4. Check for Errors and Slow-Load Time:  

Does your website have broken or dead links? Are your pages and content loading properly, quickly, and on different browsers? If your website takes more than 2 seconds to load, visitors start to think it’s broken. In fact, after 3 seconds, 40% of visitors will leave.

5. Review The Overall Experience And Your Analytics:

First, take a look at your data. What traffic are you missing? What are you not doing? Put yourself in a website visitor’s shoes for a moment. What experience are you offering them when they land on your website? Does it mirror that of your brand? Can they find what they are looking for quickly and easily? Find a way to have individuals who haven’t used your website to sit down and explore it with a fresh perspective. You might just want to sit down with them and see where they first click and how they interact with the pages. See what information they are able to extract by asking questions at the end of their experience. Could they find your contact information? Was it easy to find your services? Were the services you offer clear? Was there any aspect of the visit that was confusing? It’s important to be certain your messaging is straight-forward and that your website is easy to navigate. And, it never hurts to strive for beautiful overall website design.

Though there are many ways to work towards increasing a website’s traffic (both paid and unpaid), these are a few practices to support efforts to boost traffic and enhance the overall experience of a website.


  1. I had no idea about checking how easy it is on mobile !! Thanks for the tip.

  2. Waoo...Wonderful
    Carry on & share with us beneficial information

  3. Great tips to increase traffic. Thanks!

  4. Great idea on sitting down with someone who has never seen my website before. Will give it a try today!

  5. Good tips. Another that I would add is the overuse of popups. While a single strategic popup can be beneficial, if a website loads up with a series of different popups right from the start, people are much more likely to just close out and give up. Unfortunately, some of the smaller ad companies market using multiple popups. Bloggers that don't know better assume that the ad company knows what they're doing and don't give it a second thought.

  6. Really good post. Building website traffic is a long-term task that needs a lot of consistency and patience. Your post reminded me of a few things I need to focus on and gave me some new ideas for motivation.

  7. Great tips, off to check my site is mobile friendly

  8. It's great that you have learned early on about the importance of SEO research needed in producing not only great content for your blog but for SEO and gaining quality traffic to your blog.

  9. You are doing awesome. I can't wait to read more of your posts.

  10. Thank you for the tips on improving blog traffic. I am learning how to analyze my analytics and hope that this knowledge will help to improve my overall traffic.


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